New Member
Hi! So I recently purchased an african dwarf frog from a large-chain pet store. Aside from his missing arm, which was very inflamed when I got him, he seemed to be alright-- eating well, responsive to stimulus, etc. I've been quarantining him for about a week now before I introduce him to my other ADF, with some antibiotics in the tank to try and give his arm a chance to heal from whatever had happened to it. His missing arm is not inflamed anymore, but he's started developing a really flaky look to his skin. I'm worried it might be a fungal infection (dare I say chytrid?), but to be honest I don't have enough experience with these frogs to know for sure. Is it possible he's reacting poorly to the antibiotics I had in the tank before, or does it look more like a fungal infection? Is there anything I can do that might help? I've attached some pictures. Thanks for your help!