Adf Was Found Bloated Last Night


Fish Herder
Mar 18, 2005
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Last night I found my smallest frog in my 10 gallon floating at the surface of the water, and unable to "sink" himself back down to the bottom of the tank. And this morning I found him still floating at the surface, but dead :( I feed the two frogs that live in that tank frozen bloodworms every 2-3 days. They share the tank with 4 khuli loaches, 4 glowlight tetras, 1 betta, and one apple snail. Ammonia is .25 ppm, Nitrite is 0 ppm and Nitrate is under 10 ppm. The tank is filtered with a sponge filter and the water is heated to about 80 degrees. Anybody have any ideas why he would of died?
Ah, I'm sorry. :/

It sounds like it was probably Dropsy, what with the bloat and all... this basically amounts to kidney failure. Apart from that, I'm really not sure.
It does sound like dropsy (commonly known in frogs as bloating disease) - fluid collects in the body and it becomes bloated and at some point the frog floats then dies - I've heard that some salt in with the frogs can slow down the symptoms, but they really need vetinary treatment. There is also speculation that it effects frogs much more when they have an all bloodworm diet.

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