I have had a little bitty ADF in a 10g tank with a male betta and a platy.He seemed fine until today.I found him doing what at first appeared to be the zen frog pose on the surface.But then I saw the fish coming in and picking at him and he was not getting away from them.I removed him and then had to go to work.
When I got home he was belly up and at first I thought he was dead.I was going to dispose of the poor little critter, but when I came back to do it he was right side up again and moving about just a little.I see no signs of any fungus or anything obviously wrong.Not sure if the fish were bothering him first and weakened him,or if they only started in when he got too weak.
I'm hoping he'll be ok but I am not sure what care he can have other than rest and clean water.Anyone know what might help a stressed froggie?
Thanks in advance.
When I got home he was belly up and at first I thought he was dead.I was going to dispose of the poor little critter, but when I came back to do it he was right side up again and moving about just a little.I see no signs of any fungus or anything obviously wrong.Not sure if the fish were bothering him first and weakened him,or if they only started in when he got too weak.
I'm hoping he'll be ok but I am not sure what care he can have other than rest and clean water.Anyone know what might help a stressed froggie?
Thanks in advance.