Adf Qs


Starting again
May 17, 2009
Reaction score
Bournemouth, UK
Couple more qs since getting a frog saturday past.

1) He hides a lot which I assume is natural, but just noticed he may have some toes missing on one leg. Im pretty sure he had all fingers when I got him. He is housed with a betta who have seen nip twice, the latest interest is the betta nudges the frog (really gently but no biting),should I be worried and also do frogs grow toes back? Will this affect him? (He seems to be swimming fine but i suspect no they wont grow back). Also not a 100% certain or if the foot is clamped. He is too quick!

2) I try spot feeding him with a turkey baster but it is quite difficult, also tried using a small ashtray to put food in as read elsewhere that they will learn to eat there. But ADF is still extremely shy and also betta munches like a madman.

The tank size is 10gallons but filled with a 3 inch clear gap at the top so as not so deep.

Any advice great. Read up on the ADFs before getting and just wondering for more tips. I have a small 1.5/2g that can transfer him to but will not have filter or heater (filter would be to big and can invest in small heater if necessary).

p.s. wanted to get the frog as a companion for calcifer my betta for the 10g just in case wondering ;)

I think they are getting on otherwise.
Also sorry one more question would it be better to get another ADF? Would the two get on togther as not introduced together? I originally got one just to see how the betta got on, as the 1.5/2 g would only be adequate for one me thinks. Would two be much happier?

I cant tell the difference between males and females (mostly been trying to check they arent clawed frogs!) would it matter if there were 2 males or females?

Last edit sorry - upon closer inspection, it actually seems the foot may be more damaged and clamped then toes missing, shall I add melafix?

Here are some pics:

if his foot is clamped it might be an injury of some sort. missing toes= no good as they will NOT grow back.there are bones in there, ya know, and that's not something that can regenerate like the fins of a fish. but i suspect hed do fine regardless. i would absolutely not add melafix or any chemical to the tank as amphibians are particularly sensitive to any chemicals, natural or not. that's why they are used globally as an indicator species for "testing" environmental toxins- the less amphibians (frogs newts salamanders etc) the more likely the watershed is polluted. from someone who has worked in the Environmental Marine Ecology field, to add melafix would not be the best idea for the frog. (and also, some bettas cant tollerate melafix. i learned the hard way).
as for Calci eating all the bloodworms, ive had that problem with my boy and the cories...on treat day i want everyone to get their share and it seems my betta gets MUCH more than his share. could you get a removable divider for feeding time? anything tank safe that could be cut to size..even a bit small would be ok. it is not absolutely necessary to make sure it is snug as if it were when trying to divide a tank for two boys.
Tempt the betta to one side with a bloodworm, when he goes over there, plop in the divider, feed the frog, let him eat for a few minutes than remove the divider and the betta can have the "scraps". at least that way the frog has a chance and wont feel threatened by the fish in his face while he wants to eat.
i am encouraged by your set up as i want to try an ADf with one of my boys and will keep this situation in mind while feeding.
good luck. ive seen your pictures and i love how they argue over the house! :hyper:
Aw poor froggy! Well yeah i looks to be his toes are missing, BUT it doesnt mean hes going to die just have a little harder time. Its possible the betta might have done this, and would suggest moving him to the spare tank and you could even add another frog to the tank. A little small but i think itd be ok and would be happier with a friend! Also you really dont need a heater/filter, unless the water gets too cold they like it around 75-78 degrees F.If it gets too warm i use a fan that blows over the surface, works very well!. As for the filter, may need to do weekly water changes maybe even every few days if it gets dirty. But, with a small tank is very easy to change water! Oh and add some dechlorinator when changing water.Also if no filter then dont have any real plants, plastic/silk works fine.

Its difficult to determine sex, but if theres a small bump, behind the arm like a pimple, its a boy! And no the sex doesn't really matter unless you want them to breed then OBVIOUSLY get a male and female :lol: but they dont fight just nip when feeding time or when shedding.

With feeding, mine learned rather quick to eat out of the turkey baster as i SLOWLY squeeze the worms out onto a plate. It might be, hes just nervous with that betta swimming around. Which is probably the reason why he hides all the time, mine are ALWAYS in the open. Even though they have many of hiding palces, they are in their own tank so they aren't afraid.

For the injury, sorry its not going to grow back if the toes are gone. The only thing that grows back is the webbing between their toes if it gets cut. And see if he has trouble reaching the surface for air, if he doesnt have trouble he should be fine.

Also just noticed, on the right foot, another toe is missing :( i think its the betta i would remove him to the other tank asap... dont want anything else missing!

Have any other questions on ADFs let me know! Id be happy to help!
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lol thanks Loraxchick! That is great! Ah right on the other thread it was recommended half dose melafix and said would do so but correction after reading this will just keep an eye on the fellow and see how it goes.

As they do seem to be getting on better and better everyday,might get another this weekend to keep the frog compnay as heard they are better in twos. Last night's fiasco of eating was using a turkey baster to dump bloodworm in a ashtray to feed the frog (dont worry bought this clean for this purpose - i dont smoke ;)) and amused calci with the baster by fending him off. He is a sneaky boy though :)

Depending on your betta I really would recommend it, it was a anxious couple of days watching their behaviour but now Calci seems used to it, he likes to investigate where the frog is, the frog is coming out a little more and more, this morning found him out in the opening (blimey!!) so it all seems relatively good. Will try for a second me thinks and see how it goes.

Thanks also for explaining about the sensitivities, it is good that I know! Will keep the water crystal for him and hope he makes a slight recovery. The two longer toes are definately shorter and the entire foot is clamped. He ate lots of bloodworm last night though so at least he is eating heartily. They are funny to watch while they eat as it is a hit and miss when he lunges!

thanks again loraxchick, if you do get some let me know would love to see :)
Only just saw your message ev_michael, thanks for that! The other foot was like that when I got him (can see from my earlier pictures on day one) so that is not so bad. I will have to get a better look at him soon to see that bump thing, he does pose for me occasionally ;)

I spent all my time last night watching them carefully to note both their behaviours. When I first got them i would have been anxious but the betta (Calcifer) likes to follow the frog occasionally and vice versa, have not seen any nipping since the weekend from either. The frog also has been more in the open, including this morning which was a nice surprise for me and my partner (my partner has hardly seen him).

Swimming wise on the frog, he still jets off to the surface to gain air, so hopefully I am not seeing any problems with this. (still keeping a real close eye, also there are such platforms for him to rest which he has used). He gets about ok from what I see.

I havent had him long at all, but he seems to become much more active when the baster goes in with the bloodworm so hope that is a good sign.

thanks so much for all the advice, will certainly contact if more questions if dont mind! Have the decholrinated tank ready to go, I am going to see how both are tonight. In the smaller tank I have a batch of silk plants coming which can fill up with some trimmed and sideways to provide some full cover for them. If was to transfer, would be bare bottomed tank with small cave, foliage and would probably invest in small heater (though will see what the snail pest tank water temp measures at to see if warm enough).

Thanks again!
Oh glad to hear that their doing ok! If their getting along then i think he could stay in the tank, theres alot more room. If hes jetting to the surface for air, thats a very good sign! Means he/shes healthy! Speaking of male/female if you look at my avatar you can clearly seen the bump behind HIS arm! So thatd make the frog a boy, so no bump its a girl. Yeah with the baster theyl eventually connect the baster with food. And no problem always glad to help! And id recommend more well because simply their awesome! :lol:

Oh heads up, the frog might be shedding soon, dont be alarmed they do this once every week or two. Best to just let the frog eat the skin they love it, and is very nutritious (nasty i know) :lol: but make sure the betta doesnt nip at the skin that hangs off, this may stress the frog a little.
thanks again frogmaster! It seems I have rightly named Klaus, he has a bump just by the armpit like yours so glad!!!

I think two would go great in the 10g with the betta, but of course will be mointoring both behaviour the entire week and then some as absolutely want to make sure. My partner was really pleased as the frog was all about this morning.

Definately thanks for the heads up on the skin thing, had read about it but it did slip my mind! It does seem pretty nasty but least its yummy for them! Dont you worry will keep an eye on my stubborn betta. :good:

brill thank you :hyper:
haha frogmaster? thanks! :lol:Hope klaus does well! And glad to hear your getting another! These frogs are so cool in my opinion. And 10 gallon is plenty since they only need about 1 gallon per frog! Oh and glad the name fits! I have two ADFs Kermy(female), and Smacks(male)! Didnt know what the sex was when i first got them awhile ago, but i chose names that werent geared towards a male/female :lol:
I will step in and say 2-3 gallons a frog is more appropriate as they need lots of ground space as opposed to open water unless you have particularly long 2 gallon tank. You can keep upto 4 in a 10 gallon and preferably 2 pairs doubt you will get any babies as the betta will love frogs eggs and probably follow the female around eating them as they drop out like a candy dispensor.

Hiding a lot is normal when not alone in the tank, she (looks like in the photo) will become morre active with time. The missing toe is nothing to worry about if you do want to treat a specially designed amphibian anti-bac should be used not just any old fish one however it won't really affect her much. May be she is just keeping toes clamped due to an injury during moving like a broken bone.

Probably just hasn't learnt what the turkey baster is yet. I stuff my betta with flake food before dropping the blood worms in seems to stop him eating too many.
thanks Saltynay! Doh sure i saw a bump, she/he will still be called Klaus!

He (will use generic as "he" ;)) will learn hopefully and hope that the foot does heal. Will try clean crystal water for the moment but and will look into some medication.

LOL candy dispenser! Unfortunately my fish eats himself silly and does not learn when to stop but am getting into the habit of feeding before feeding the frog.

Have to say frogs are cute!! Will post second frog if all goes well this week, thanks so much for the tips and reassurance guys, been brilliant.

p.s. the tank is 11" by 7" by 7" which just checking makes 9 litres and a 2g according to calc at top. Hope I will not have to use, then again could always use for a froggie by himself anyways ) but wont get ahead of myself
betta eaten himself silly again, but Klaus ad a good appetite today, never seen him so active, hardly hiding away, Im pleased!

Also to confirm it does appear to a she. She rested on the glass full length and had a good look, well spotted saltynay! Still probably going to call her Klaus (or at least wait till the other half gets home to rethink things!). Hopefully will be getting a second male then!
What can I say I am obviously a genius for spotting it :rolleyes:. If you get a male be warned they will croak at night for mating calls its not particularly loud, doesn't bother me when sleeping in the next room but just in case you think your tank is making a vibrating sound its a bit like the hum of a fridge very low frequency constant buzz.
I never doubted it for a second!! ;) We probably would wonder what that noise was but it is no where near sleeping quarters so we are all good!

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