My 26 gallon currently has 1 male blue gourami, 5 zebra danios, 5 corydoras, 1 BN pleco, and 2 WCMM. I will be removing the WCMM and adding a school of harlequin rasboras, and I might add a couple more cories and danios to get thier numbers up. I am also considering bamboo shrimp, though the gourami could be a problem.
Could I add a few (how about 3?) dwarf frogs? I don't know if they are compatible with my current fish, nor do I know how much bioload they would be. (Plecs are messy, shrimp are hardly anything- where do ADFs rank?)
The tank has sand substrate and is well planted with plastic plants.
Could I add a few (how about 3?) dwarf frogs? I don't know if they are compatible with my current fish, nor do I know how much bioload they would be. (Plecs are messy, shrimp are hardly anything- where do ADFs rank?)
The tank has sand substrate and is well planted with plastic plants.