Adf Food?


Fish Fanatic
Apr 17, 2006
Reaction score
Birmingham, UK
hiya guys! i know i started another thread asking all sorts of questions about ADFs. from that thread it seemed that the best thing to feed them was bloodworm every second day, which i would buy frozen or freeze dried. however, i was just browsing the internet for different fish foods and came across "Tetra ReptoMin-floating foodsticks for Terrapins, Turtles, Newts, African frogs and other water reptiles".

has anyone ever came across this? would this be any good for ADFs? its the first food i have came across that actually mentions African frogs!
They eat bloodworm (live or frozen), baby brine shrimp (also known as "Sea Monkeys") and I think they will eat your average fish food like flakes, and pellets. It is best to feed them meaty foods mainly like live bloodworm, and alter their diet a bit alternating between foods. I imagine you can also use foods such as Infusoria and Daphnia (Just search these two words on TFF Search function to find out more information on them). If you are keeping them with fish I don't recommend you feed infusoria or daphnia though, as they swim around the tank rather than on the bottom.
Neal :good:

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