I recently bought 2 African Dwarf Frogs and have them in a quarantine tank before they are added to my 20 gallon. I have the frog bite pellets, but they either ignore them, or spit them back out. I bought freeze dried brine shrimp, and they like it, but are not very eager with it. i have to squeeze it right in their face before they take a bite. I am aware that their sight is not great, I am trying to teach them that food comes after I tap on the glass, but they seem uninterested in food. I have had them a week now and am worried about them not eating enough. I will also be adding them to a fish tank, and that worries me more because they are not going to be able to get to the food before the fish, no matter what I do. I had an ADF before and she always came up for her pellets and happily inhaled them. What can I do to get these guys to eat and fill up appropriately?