Adf Feeding?


Fish Crazy
Jan 16, 2006
Reaction score
Toronto, Canada
Hi. In my 10G tank I used to have my african dwarf frog along with a betta. in the past month ive slowly added fish so that my count is (final):

-3 Platy
-3 cories
+2 additional ghost shrimp

Now, since the betta and platies gobble everything down ive resorted to overfeeding in order to feed the frog.. ive noticed he's been looking around the tank much more than usual for food and i think the cories are taking all the scraps. He hasnt seemed to have lost any weight though. Today i've started feeding twice daily just in case (overfeeding twice a day- weekly water changes are in order, of course.) The problem is that the betta eats quicker than everyone else so he's getting obese...

Any tips on what i can put in there just for my adf to snack on? If he isnt losing weight is he nurishing himself somehow? His behavior is definately changed, he spends lots of time searching the tank then going back to hiding. Have yet to see him snack.. If worse comes to worse i can deal with an obese betta, but first id like to make sure my frog will be ok and if not, what I can do.
Your best bet, honestly, is to hand feed him. It's generally recommended to keep ADFs in species tanks, largely because of the feeding problem. They're fairly poor hunters, with fairly poor eyesight, and any competition that takes mind to it will generally win.

I use chopsticks to feed my ADFs, and huuuuge reptile feeding tweezers. I just take up a frozen blood worm and wave it at them, they snap at it and swallow it whole. It's charming. :D

I usually feed them one or two, on their own, and then let them find the rest by themselves. I also tend to pour the melt off from their frozen blood worms into the water, to put them into the hunting mode, before actually feeding them.

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