ADF fascination


Fish Fanatic
Jan 15, 2011
Reaction score
New Jersey
Hello. I'm very fascinated by the adfs. I admit that my son got me interested. He asked for his first tank for his birthday and chose two guppies and a dwarf frog. The little #28### was so cute that I decided to get my own tank!! I now have 3 of them and a betta! They are so funny to watch :lol:
Hello. I'm very fascinated by the adfs. I admit that my son got me interested. He asked for his first tank for his birthday and chose two guppies and a dwarf frog. The little #28### was so cute that I decided to get my own tank!! I now have 3 of them and a betta! They are so funny to watch :lol:

Love it - - Frogs becoming addictive!

If you ever get the space to set up an ACF tank, you will never go back - - they are so immensely amusing there is no comparison!! b u g g e r considered a bad word here? I wonder why it changed to #28. Also, I made this post in response to another thread but somehow it ended up as its own thread :lol:

Anyhow, you breed your own ACFs? What do you do with babies? Just keep adding them to the group?? I love my little ADFs...I think they are the perfect size for me right now. I've seen really cute pics where all the frogs pile on top of each other, but I've yet to see mine do that...they don't really interact much. They each seem to have their own spot that they hang out at. Is that ok? I thought they were highly social. b u g g e r considered a bad word here? I wonder why it changed to #28. Also, I made this post in response to another thread but somehow it ended up as its own thread :lol:

Anyhow, you breed your own ACFs? What do you do with babies? Just keep adding them to the group?? I love my little ADFs...I think they are the perfect size for me right now. I've seen really cute pics where all the frogs pile on top of each other, but I've yet to see mine do that...they don't really interact much. They each seem to have their own spot that they hang out at. Is that ok? I thought they were highly social.

They all do have their own personalities - - if they have a decent amount of room then there are less chances of them frog piling..

they are neither social nor loaners. - they don't really form bonds with other frogs but do not mind other frogs either.

As for my ACF - - I actually sell the offspring. While I would love to keep them all, it would quickly mean an end to my breeding because I would run out of room! So for now I sell the babies...if any really stood out to me I would keep them...and in the future the soon to be hubby is going to let me set up a frog room once we buy a house next year :good:
Sounds nice! Once I pass my Nclex and start working, I'm thinking of getting a bigger tank and put up a divider. On one side will be my betta and adfs and the other...I'm not sure. We'll see!
Also, I was interested so I took a look at your breeding thread earlier. Very nice! My hubby just told me I'm never allowed to breed my frogs. I just told him that I think one of the "females" is actually a male :lol:
hahaha - - just because you dont "plan" to breed...doesn't mean it cant happen "by nature" hehe:p;)
You need quite a bit of space to breed ADF's but it can be done. If your at least intrigued in providing them with an environment that is conducive to breeding and after care then read this, it is by far one of the best articles I have read on ADFs.

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