Adf Disease Or Injury?


New Member
Apr 2, 2011
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Colorado, USA
I have two ADFs one is pretty big, the other a runt. The runt seems to have torn rear fins and what looks like red streaks, like broken capillaries or scratches. He seems to be getting wrinkly? And looking a little pale/white. I don't know if he is eating, I use a turkey baster to drop food near them because they share a tank with hungry neons and 3 zebras. The big one will eat relativly quickly, but the small one the food can drop right on his nose and no reaction. I can't watch all day to see if he eats, I'm getting worried. What should I do? Should I get him in his own tank?
is there a way for a picture? It sounds like you are describing RedLeg, caused by poor water quality and is fatal.

A picture would be the best way to properly diagnose it.

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