Adf Attacking My Betta


Fish Fanatic
Jun 30, 2008
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So i've noticed for the past week or so my ADFs have been more aggressive than usual. Especially during feeding time. I don't know if this is happening on mistake but when i drop some bloodworms into the tank and it sinks to the bottom sometime the betta will try to eat some too, and usually this isn't a problem, but lately when the betta does that one of my ADFs will eat his tail and when the betta swims off the ADF will still be attached to his tail. the betta is starting to get a littlle beat up on the ends of his fins (I'd be a little more TO'd if it wasn't a petco betta) but nonetheless i don't want the thing to suffer a slow death via psycho ADFs.

Has anyone else witnessed this behavior from their ADFs? is there any reason why this would be happening? All i have in my 5gal hex tank is 2 ADFs and a betta. so i'm not sure what the deal is.
ADFs have poor vision, and they lunge at things when they smell food. It's probably accidental, and not an actual attack.

Can you distract the betta while you feed the frogs? Such as feeding him at the same time.
Your particular species of frog in its nature will nip the fins of slow moving long finned fish such as your fighter. The only way your frog is going to stop tail nipping is when you seperate them into different tanks. Hope this helps.
I've never heard of ADFs being nippy, and they're frequently recommended as tankmates for bettas.

Are you sure you don't have them confused with ACFs?
no they're ADFs. I'm thinking maybe it's the food i'm feeding them. Because it's sinking to the bottom too quickly the betta doesn't get a chance to get his fill first. I used to feed them bloodworms, but i decided to change it up and feed them a 50/50 mix of brine shrimp and bloodworms. I wish the betta liked the floating pellets, but the only thing he eats is the damn bloodworms. does anyone have any suggestions on other food i can feed him, possibly that floats? Thats the only thing i can think of to keep him distracted while the frogs eat.
Yeh I agree, at feeding time ADFs will snap at anything. My ex kept them with apple snails and the snails frequently lost feelers to the frogs and in the end had to be separated. I'm of the opinion that for the best these frogs are best kept with their own kind only.
freeze dried bloodworms could work for the betta

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