Additives For Awsome Color


Fish Fanatic
May 18, 2008
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Now that have a decent amount of coral in my tank, i want to work with colors. I want them to have amazing colors. Anyone know how to boost colors of the corals? I have zoo's, brains, frog spawns, just about everything except sps. Thanks!
Now that have a decent amount of coral in my tank, i want to work with colors. I want them to have amazing colors. Anyone know how to boost colors of the corals? I have zoo's, brains, frog spawns, just about everything except sps. Thanks!

Start with clean water, good flow, and lots of light especially. What lights are you running currently?
Yep exactly what Ski said. Unless you have a lot of high demand (in terms of calc/Mag uptake) corals you probably wont need to dose anything. Just do regular water changes.
I have T-5 HO's on the tank. About 6 watts per gallon. So we'll see Thanks
How deep is the tank? I should think unless its really deep you should be fine with them corals without having to upgrade the lighting or dose anything. Just test your water parameters every so often and if you find anything is lacking then just dose specifically for that (very slowly, testing as you go).

A lot of the bottled additives are not a great idea as you can only really dose things based on what levels you already have in the tank.
Yes, as a rule, you don't want to dose anything unless you can test for it realy... It's easy to over-do addatives, especially in a small tank, and that can be more halmful than not having enough of whatever you are dosing in the first place. I've just bought a trace mix, KH addative, Ca addative and an Mg addative, allong with a Mg test kit, KH test kit and a Ca test kit. I know (courtesy of work) now that my Ca is low, but not drastically. My supervisor would have me adding all of the above in equal amounts as a result, but TBH, it's probibly just the salt mix is cr?# and does not have enough Ca in it, despite being hard to disolve when added to the vats at work, due to calcerous dust at the bottom after mixing a few times... still :rolleyes:

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