Additional Tank mate suggestions


Fish Herder
Dec 6, 2021
Reaction score
Macon GA, USA
I currently have the following in a 125 G tank, all are thriving and get along well.

9 Black Skirt Tetras
6 Buenos Aries Tetras
4 Bronze Corys
4 Peppered Corys

Lightly planted with 3 Kleiner Bar swords and some Pothos but I plan to up my plant game.

Average fish size is 3-5 cm

gH ~ 70 ppm (per water company)
pH ~ 6.7

I certainly want more Corys but was looking for recommendations for additional fish. More of same or are there others that complement my existing mix?
I'd add a type of Gourami as a centerpiece fish. or a school of danios to accent the tetras. if you want another bottom-dweller A Kuhli loach is a great option if you get enough of them. and I'm assuming you have 125 GALLONS, not 125 LITRES
I'd add a type of Gourami as a centerpiece fish. or a school of danios to accent the tetras. if you want another bottom-dweller A Kuhli loach is a great option if you get enough of them. and I'm assuming you have 125 GALLONS, not 125 LITRES
Thanks for the recommendations :)

Yes, US gallons, so I should have plenty of space to support an increase.

We had issues with zebras danios bullying before, but I'm assuming that it was because there was only 3-4. Perhaps if I get a larger group they will be fine.
if you want another bottom-dweller A Kuhli loach is a great option if you get enough of them
These look interesting, I'd need to change my substrate to sand, which I will likely do for my Corys also, but they don't burrow so it's not as critical at the moment.
You could also increase the numbers in your existing shoals. I agree with the gourami, Pearl and Honey gourami are both peaceful species.
Thanks Circus, I've seen a few Gourami videos by members and they look interesting.
Thanks for the recommendations :)

Yes, US gallons, so I should have plenty of space to support an increase.

We had issues with zebras danios bullying before, but I'm assuming that it was because there was only 3-4. Perhaps if I get a larger group they will be fine.
yep if kept is small groups they are known to showcase aggressive behavior.
These look interesting, I'd need to change my substrate to sand, which I will likely do for my Corys also, but they don't burrow so it's not as critical at the moment.
yes, but I currently have a group in gravel and has been that way for a while now. they still burrow with no injuries that I know of.
Black skirt/ widow tetras and Buenos Aires tetras are renown fin nippers and should not be kept with slow moving fish, fish with long fins, or small peaceful fish like honey gouramis.

Serpae tetras are also fin nippers and would add some colour.

What are the tank dimensions?

If the tank is long enough you could increase the number of fish you currently have.
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plenty of space for more fish, you could add another 6 of each fish.
Colin is correct. Sedate fish and fish with longer fins cannot be housed with active fish, nor with fish prone to fin nip. That eliminates all gourami.

As you currently have two species that are on the feisty side, the best fish to consider are those similarly inclined, on the active side anyway. I would not recommend deliberately getting fish to nip fins and make life intolerable for the other fish. Danios and most of the barbs are active so you may find suitable fish from those groups. And with all of these, the larger the group of the individual species, the less likely they are to become problems in the matter of normal aggressive behaviours.

Corydoras require sand as a substrate. They filter feed and this inherent requirement in their genetic makeup cannot be satisfied with anything other than small-grained non-rough sand. There is also less chance of bacterial issues for cories with sand. And they should not be housed with loaches, though admittedly the Kuhlii are less of a problem than are the normal botine loaches, but if you want cories, increasing the group would be preferable and better for the cories. Your measurements are a 6-foot by 18 inch tank, for those who use imperial, so you have space for 70+ if you like.

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