Addition To The Community And Other Queries


Jun 3, 2005
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Hello Guys!

I'm currently having 2 Thirty Gallon Tanks.
One of the tank contains:
5 Zebra Danios
3 Leopard Danios
4 Neon Tetras
5 Yamato Shrimps
4 Cories
1 Platy
1 Swordtail
4 Black Skirt Tetras
1 Ram

I plan to add more small fishes to this set up and I would like some suggestions from you guys(I'm looking for colourful ones). Also, would a weather loach be able to live peacefully with the others in this tank? I plan to get a few males guppies too.

For the other 30 Gal tank, I plan to keep a pair of Neolamprologous brichardi for breeding and I heard that Synodontis petricola is able to live with this pair. However, I would like to know if this catfish would attack the fries.

Thank you for your help. :D
I plan to add more small fishes to this set up and I would like some suggestions from you guys(I'm looking for colourful ones). Also, would a weather loach be able to live peacefully with the others in this tank? I plan to get a few males guppies too.

For the other 30 Gal tank, I plan to keep a pair of Neolamprologous brichardi for breeding and I heard that Synodontis petricola is able to live with this pair. However, I would like to know if this catfish would attack the fries.

Weather loaches get 10 inches long. Minimum tank size is 40 gallons as suggested here:

It's entirely possible that the fry would be eaten. If not by the catfish, but also by the parents. It's best to move the female to a seperate tank while she is holding. When she drops the fry, simply move her and raise the fry on small live foods (baby brine shrimp, daphnia, etc,) finely crushed flakes, and powdered fry food.

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