adding salt


New Member
Apr 23, 2004
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I seem to keep reading that adding just a little aquarium salt is a good thing for my mollies
but i thought for some reason taht somewhere i read that you shouldn't do that if you have neon tetras

i have neon tetras
rainbow shark
lamp eyed tetras
a plecostomus
australian rainbow in the tank

if i put the salt in for hte molly's is it gonna affect my other fish???
I realize if i DO need to put this needs to be a gradual change
i'm still new but reading lots and lots..
I wouldn't really suggest adding salt, mollies can live without it (though the are happier with it), but your pleco would be very unhappy with salt. It burns their skin, and can shorten their life span. :no:
is that aquarium salt cos i have some of that "tropical aquarium salt"?
and i plan on getting a pleco,
however i doubt i have much of the salt left in the water
It is my personally opinion that salt should not be added to freshwater aquariums, if you have fish that require salt then you should maintain a brackish aquarium with tankmates that share the same need for salt. Neons and other fish which originate from the amazon basin have a low tolerence for salt and will not do well in water that contains it.

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