Adding salt


New Member
Jun 9, 2002
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I have a new tank which is just about to finish cycling.
The Amommonia level is still a bit high at 1.0, I have 4 Neon Tetras in the tank that seem quiet happy, my LFS has sold me a packet of Interpet Aqua Tonic Salt and told me to add this to the water.
Sould I do this as I have heard that salt should never be added to a tank that contains Tetras.
I've been guilty of adding a tsp per gallon, nothing bad happened. But I'm curious to see what others have to say 8)

How bigs the new tank?
The tank is 13 gallons, 24X12X12 inches, The packet states to use 1 5ml spoon to every gallon of water.
That'll be a teaspoon per gallon for all those that don't understand ml. :p
I've never added any salt to a tank with tetras but I've also got clown loaches in with them and an very carefull about adding stuff to that tank.

Did the lfs give you a reason as to why you should add the salt?

Most fish can't tolerate this where as others do benefit from it. Salt helps the fish produce a natural mucas/slime coat by osmosis. sometimes the fish(tropical) do not have enough salt to do this, so some recomend adding a bit to the water. In marine fish it's the oppposite I think.(I'm looking for a confirmation Dave or Mac).
The chap in the lfs said it would rid the tank of the ammonia and any remaining Nitrite.
The chap in the lfs was lying m8.
carbon might help get rid of it. but it all takes time for things to get done properly. There are so called additives etc that are supposed to help speed up the procces but I'm dubious as to whether they work or not, and have heard that they cause other problems.
Try adding a couple of "Zebra Danios" to the tank. The should help the natural proccess quickly along and are a hardy fish that will tolerate quite a lot.
:(  I would advise against using the salt, tetras will not tolerate it. The advice from your lfs is partially correct, adding salt will not remove ammonia or nitrite but will lessen the toxic effects on your fish. If you are still getting ammonia readings your tank has not matured yet and it would be preferable to let it run its cycle. Do you have a nitrite test kit and if so what are the readings? ;)  Mac.
Also perform a partial water change ie......20% give or take :what:

this will help to lower the ammonia level to a more tolerable level for your fish :D

And adeyc is right ........salt wont get rid of ammonia is used more as a tonic for stressed/poorly fish etc

Also try some ammolock this is a treatment added to the water to lock the ammonia into a harmless form (dont panic if your ammonia test kit still shows ammonia levels as high after using this as it doesnt get rid of the ammonia it just makes it safer)

hope this helps :D
:) I've never thought about salt as helping ammonia or nitrite. Yes it has it's healling properties, though people try to disprove this to.

Give it a pass. Let things go a bit longer or even do a water change 8)
;) Your tank is still maturing. Do a small water change, test everday and most important of all be patient ;) Mac.
Well guys have to disagree with you here!!

Tetras are ok with salt! The only time you would get a problem is if you added a large dose, and hey you wouldn't do that would you :p.

I got cardinal tetras in my tank, in fact all fish are fine with a bit of salt and it gives you a bit of leeway with the tank conditions.

I'll get the dosages for you.

Remember it must be AQUATIC salt not just table or sea salt must buy it specially ;) IT is very cheap anyway ;)
Ok 1 teaspoon every 4 gallons :) Put it in the net so it dissolves in there and then the fish can't eat the little bits.

Good luck 8)

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