Adding Salt,,What to expect


New Member
Aug 26, 2003
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I have had some type of fungus attack my tank (I think) . Water parameters are good (I think). Lost some angels, thought everything was okay, two days ago lost a kribensis, this morning german ram, now my bolivian ram is acting funny (high rate of respiration and extreme shyness with no appetite) My local fish store suggested salt. I have a 75 gal tank and treated it as it was 40 hoping to save plants. Here are my water parameters,,,,what am I missing???????? Fish in tank: bolivian ram, blue ram, pleco, 2 cory, 4 clown loaches, 2 marbeled hatchetfish, 2 angels (fingers crossed), 3 kuhli loaches, 3 potted plants

Ph 6.8
Nitrates 10
Nitrites 0
Amonia 0
KH 80
GH 75

Losing too many fish......................getting exhausted :crazy:
Loaches are scaleless species and so may not tolerate salt in the water :no: .

Do your fish have any visible signs of fungus on their bodies? There is a really good article on fish diseases from this forum here, maybe this will help.

Have you medicated using anything else? Protozin is a gentle treatment which claims to get rid of ich and fungus (amongst other things). However it's not completely definite that fungus is the problem from your post I wouldn't rush out and buy some right away.

Also, how old is your tank, how often do you carry out water changes etc etc?

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