Adding Salt To Tank?


Mostly New Member
Jan 2, 2014
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I talked to a friend who owns a fish shop and he suggested for me to add 1 tbsp. of salt to my 10 gallon freshwater tank. He said that should be plenty and I wouldn't need to worry about adding more for 6 months or so. I have a fancy tail guppy, 2 serpae tetras, female betta and a cory cat. There is nothing wrong with my fish (at the moment), but I just wanted to get opinions on people's experiences adding salt to a tank such as this, and exactly HOW I should go about adding it. (Do i just plop it in, dilute it, etc.) Thanks!
Whatever you do, always dilute the salt before adding it to your tank.
Personally I only use salt as an ich treatment. Some people do have a bit of salt in their tanks at all times, but I don't know what the concentration should be for that. If you have brackish fish it is a different story but if you keep freshwater fish, I find fresh water is best for them. You just have to have a good maintenance regime and your fish will have a good chance to stay healthy. Always quarantine new fish for 6 weeks before adding them to your main tank so you don't introduce any illnesses to your community fish. :)
Salt doesnt need to be added unless your keeping brackish fish or fish that just enjoy having a little salt in the tank, or if the fish are ill and need salt.
On to your actual tank, i know you didnt ask for this advice and im not trying to be rude but its needed.
Your cory cat, what species is it? Its most likely an albino, green, or panda cory which need a 20 galon min and 6 of the same species.
Your serpae tetras need a min of 20 gallons as well and are social as well which need 6+ as well.
Your guppy and betta are fine in a 10 gallon though.
So id suggest rehoming the cory and tetras, and maybe add some more guppies, or some shrimp, or some snails.
Salt can be beneficial in the treatment of certain ailments but I wouldn't use it as a prophylactic, as with the over use of antibiotics we now see super bugs that are resistant, the same thing applies with the use of salt, it has been reported there is now a salt resistant strain of Ich

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