Adding Rock, wood and misc cave material


Fish Fanatic
Apr 22, 2004
Reaction score
Atlanta, Georgia - USA
I have just acquired a small clay planting pot to put into my tank as a hiding cave.

I have soaked it overnight in a bucket of tap water and was wondering if I could put it into the tank now without any problems.
I recently lost a koi after adding a piece of wood without soaking it (water turned cloudy and my fish died) so was wondering what the process was for adding drift wood too.

I may want to add a rock or two as well later on.

Do i need to do anything special before adding these objects?

Thanks for any advice…

P.S. i have a 10g tank with 7 Tiger barbs and two plants which i do not know the names of.

i soak anything i put in my tank in boiling water first. I also do several changes of the water to ensure nothing is left behind..........hope this helps...... :)
Yeah don't just soak the wood.. boil it up to make sure as much of the tanins etc and elements present in the wood are removed before putting it in your tank.. I personally soak mine for at least a week replacing boiling water as soon as it starts to cool.. this is quite excessive but it should definitely be done to some degree. hope this helps
tanins will not harm at all, it might make you water a little brown but i quite like it and think it gives a nice natural affect i just give bogwood a good wash. all rocks should be tested first a good and easy way is to pour vinegar onto them if they fizz then dont use them (unless to raise hardness) then boil them as much as possible.
Thanks Guys i never would of thought to boil wood :*)

I have a turkey fryer that should be big enough for the job ;)

I have not added anything yet and my water is still clouding up, i will try to resolve that before adding any objects.

Thanks again for the replies.

I have added the wood and clay pot to the tank with no problems for 24 hours now. :clap:

I didnt want the brown tint even if it was hamless and it is crystal clear now for the third day in a row. :D

And all the fish lived this time around :cool:

Thanks every one!


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