Adding new fish


Fish Addict
Oct 14, 2004
Reaction score
Toronto, Canada
I was wondering what else I should add to my 10 gal cycled tank. I currently have 3 - Danios, and 2 - Lemon Tetras. I would like to add some fish with a little more color. I was contemplating on adding 6 - Neon Tetras. Would this be overstocking my tank? I've read that Neon Tetras should be in schools of at least 6. Any other recommenbdations would be appreciated.

hi there, please don't take this the wrong way.

First of all your danios will become very,very aggressive if kept in less than a group of 5. If you are looking for colour then you can add any of the following danios to keep the aggression down.
Glowlight,pearl,roseus,kyathit or blue. All these can be found on my danio website.

Secondly 10 gallons maynot be the ideal tank for danios due to their level of activness.

Thirdly neon tetras are very sensative to water conditions and need a mature tank to have any chance of survival.

My advice is bring the danio school up to at least 5 and the same with the lemon tetras.
The-Wolf said:
hi there, please don't take this the wrong way.

First of all your danios will become very,very aggressive if kept in less than a group of 5. If you are looking for colour then you can add any of the following danios to keep the aggression down.
Glowlight,pearl,roseus,kyathit or blue. All these can be found on my danio website.

Secondly 10 gallons maynot be the ideal tank for danios due to their level of activness.

Thirdly neon tetras are very sensative to water conditions and need a mature tank to have any chance of survival.

My advice is bring the danio school up to at least 5 and the same with the lemon tetras.
Hello. Thanks for the input. At the moment, my Danios aren't aggressive towards the Tertras. Do they become aggressive over time as they mature? Also, I noticed that you didn't mention Zebra Danios. Could I add them? How mature of a tank would I need to add Neon Tetras?

Neons can be used for cycling if your stock is good, I think Neons have a really bad reputation for being weak when in my experience (somewhat limited lol) they really aren't.
leafs said:
Hello. Thanks for the input. At the moment, my Danios aren't aggressive towards the Tertras. Do they become aggressive over time as they mature? Also, I noticed that you didn't mention Zebra Danios. Could I add them? How mature of a tank would I need to add Neon Tetras?

Zebra danios will become aggressive as they mature, this is aleviated (but not eliminated) by keeping tham in groups, the larger the better.
I did not mention ZD before as you said you'd like more colour, but of course you can add more ZD's to you shoal.
A mature tank is considered to be at least 2 months old since it's inital set up. this has allowed the bacterial colony to become, well and truly, established.

Neons can be used for cycling if your stock is good, I think Neons have a really bad reputation for being weak when in my experience (somewhat limited lol) they really aren't.
IME having brought 12 neons and only having 1 survivour I belive their reputation is well deserved.
kev_kb said:
Neons can be used for cycling if your stock is good, I think Neons have a really bad reputation for being weak when in my experience (somewhat limited lol) they really aren't.
I've heard that Neons can be a bit tricky to keep. I love the colors they have. What else would you recommend that I could add for color? I would like a variety other than just Lemon Tetras and Danios.

Thanks. :thumbs:
what about glowlight tetras, or silvertip tetras.
If you rwally like the neonness of neons why not consider
green neon tetras(false neons) or cardinal tetras. both are much
hardier than neons.
The-Wolf said:
what about glowlight tetras, or silvertip tetras.
If you rwally like the neonness of neons why not consider
green neon tetras(false neons) or cardinal tetras. both are much
hardier than neons.
Cardinal Tetras are even harder to keep than Neons. They require a lower ph.
What about guppies? They come in very interesting colours and are hardy. I'm not sure how they get along with danios though. I didn't realise danios are aggressive. I just bought 2 pearl danios and they chase each other. They may have to go back to the shop because I don't want more.
SailfinGirl said:
What about guppies? They come in very interesting colours and are hardy. I'm not sure how they get along with danios though. I didn't realise danios are aggressive. I just bought 2 pearl danios and they chase each other. They may have to go back to the shop because I don't want more.
Guppies and pearl danios are ok but guppies and ZD's will not be ok.
Pearls like all danios are a community fish and need to be kept in a group of at least 5.

A side note it is only ZD's and the man made morph of ZD's (Leopards) that are aggressive, and this is only exagerated when not kept in ideal conditions.
My neons seem to be doing ok. They've survived for over two weeks now. Ever since I put them in my newly cycled tank. So imo you could have some.

That said perhaps you would be better off getting more of what you already have if they are group fish. Makes them less stressed which may extend their life-span and improve their behaviour.

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