Adding new fish


New Member
May 4, 2004
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Just wanted a bit of advice about where to go next with my relatively new tank.

I have 125l UK Jewel Rio tank which is about 2 months old now. It's a planted tank with bogwood and my levels seem to be pretty stable now - Nitrite and Ammonia levels are near zero (hae been for some time) and nitrate is fairly low (i.e. within the colour zone labelled 'suitable for sensitive freshwater fish). My PH is high, around 8.5 but I figure it's best to leave it be rather than try to 'down it'.

Anyway, I'm rambling - I currently have 3 platys, 2 guppies and 2 Pop' Furcatas (little hardy rainbow fish - max size 5cm)... So I'm wondering:

1. Is it okay to start stocking up with a few more fish?

2. What number of fish would I want to have in the tank maximum? - I don't want it to look overcrowded (and distress the fish)

3. I'd like to add a couple of interesting bottom feeders - maybe albino corys or some thing, or a small attractive loach... any suggestions??

4. Are there any small community algae eaters which I could add??

5. I'd like to add a pair of 'centre piece' fish that are slighter larger. Would a pair of dwarf gouramis or maybe rams be a good idea? Or are there better suggestions?

6. Although I've never seen any in shops, what are killifishes (aphyosemion's) like to keep? Is it possible to keep them in a commmunity tank or are they pretty difficult/ specialist fish??

Any advice appreciated,


I'll try to answer you r questions. :)
1. Yes you can stock more fish. Only add about 3-4 at a time if they are not too big. Fewer if they are large.

2. The general guideline until you feel comfortable is 1" of fish per gallon so about 30-35" for your tank. This is the size of the fish when full grown. With adequate filtering and proper maintenance you can increase this slowly over time.

3. The cories are great little bottom fish. They should be kept in groups of 3 or more. Cnat speak for the loaches as i do not keep them right now.

4. The best algae eater of the small variety (1.5" max) are the otocinclus. They also do best in groups of 2 or more.

5. The gouramis would be great they are usually peaceful as long as you dont get 2 males. Cant speak for the rams though. I am sure others will offer suggestions as well.

6. Have never kept killifish.
HTH :)
Thanks a lot - real helpful. Think I'll gradually stock the tank over the couple of months, aiming for about 15 small fish max.


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