Adding New Filter


New Member
Aug 29, 2006
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Coventry, UK
Hi everybody hope all is well in the fish world.

I want to add another filter to my 15 gallon tank, which allready has 2!! One of the existing filters is a bit older as it was given to me, it makes more noise than the other. I just bought a fuval one to add to the tank instead of this filter.

my propsal is to have three filters for about a week then remove the old one,going back down to two this should give the new one time to build up a bacteria colony while not removing the old one too soon and loosing bacteria!!

what do you think?
HI, If the noise can be put up with I would leave the three running for at least a fortnight. You could probably get away with a week or even less without losses but if the tank has a heavy bioload I would give it the extra time so as not to take any unneeded chances.
Hi everybody hope all is well in the fish world.

I want to add another filter to my 15 gallon tank, which allready has 2!! One of the existing filters is a bit older as it was given to me, it makes more noise than the other. I just bought a fuval one to add to the tank instead of this filter.

my propsal is to have three filters for about a week then remove the old one,going back down to two this should give the new one time to build up a bacteria colony while not removing the old one too soon and loosing bacteria!!

what do you think?
Have you considered just putting, the filter media from the noisy filter into the new one, then you will have a set of new unused pads in reserve. and no need to have three filters running.
Hi thanks for the advice but the new filter is bigger than the old one so i dont think the filter media will fit.
I think im gonna run three for a while then remove the old one when enough bacteria had built up in the new one! The one problem im thinking is how will i know when there is enough bacteria in the new one!!
Hi thanks for the advice but the new filter is bigger than the old one so i dont think the filter media will fit.
I think im gonna run three for a while then remove the old one when enough bacteria had built up in the new one! The one problem im thinking is how will i know when there is enough bacteria in the new one!!
lol hard to tell. say two weeks. the filter is rated for 10ukg so there should be enough then. you can put the old sponges in the tank in an old stocking, put them at the intake point of the new filter for another two weeks.

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