Adding More Plecs


Fish Fanatic
Sep 28, 2007
Reaction score
East London, England
Hi all

I have 2 questions, firstly..

I wanted to add another plec or 2 to my 190L tank but was wondering if plecs were territorial the plec i have at the moment (common plec) is about 4 inches long and has been in my tank for about 3 months (since i had the tank) if i was to get 1 or 2 baby plecs would he try to kill them?

He resides in a big rock in the middle of my tank and as i know plecs like to hide they would probably go in there as well would this be a problem?

Also i was wondering what else i could feed my fish on as they only get a diet of fish flakes (plec gets only algae wafers)

2 silver sharks

4 angels

2 blue rainbows

4 mollies

3 guppies

1 plec

Thanks all

Either way 190l isnt enough for a common :) personly id remove him/her and replace with a pair of bristle noses and maybe a bulldog :)

Varied diet includes, flakes, pellets, bloodworm, veggies, and wafers.
No they are superbly peace-full fish.. they are not aggressive.

Not true.

Either way 190l isnt enough for a common personly id remove him/her and replace with a pair of bristle noses and maybe a bulldog

Varied diet includes, flakes, pellets, bloodworm, veggies, and wafers

Agreed, while it's perfectly possible to keep different plecs in the same tank you need to have adaquate room and an adqauate number of hiding places.
The problem you have is your current plec is eventually going to need a bigger tank than you have presently, so buying another plec is only going to compound the problem and means you'll have to sort the problem out even sooner.

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