Chuck, Leader Of Ze People.
I have an L102(snowball?) Pleco in a 15gallon tank. Im on about selling this tank and it's inhabitants which consists of a male fighter, some small Characins and a few shrimp aswell as the pleco. Thing is, I am going to keep the Snowy as I've had it about 8 months now and I really like it.
Would it be okay to go in my 55gal tank? It is planted, includes three pieces of bogwwod, has a sand bottom and some other cover in the form of one of those coconut shell things.
The snowball is only about 2inch, so still small. This is the stock of the tank proposed for it's new home.
Pair of Keyhole's.
Pair of Apistogramma Cacatuoides.
8 Buenos Aires Tetra's.
8 Cardinal Tetra's
L202 pleco (Peckoltia lineola) - No common name for this fish. My worry is how will it react as i've never kept two pleco's in one tank before. This fish is about 3-4 inches.
A single Gold Stripe Corydoras, been unfortunate with the other's and lost them over the last few weeks.
Cheers, James.
Would it be okay to go in my 55gal tank? It is planted, includes three pieces of bogwwod, has a sand bottom and some other cover in the form of one of those coconut shell things.
The snowball is only about 2inch, so still small. This is the stock of the tank proposed for it's new home.
Pair of Keyhole's.
Pair of Apistogramma Cacatuoides.
8 Buenos Aires Tetra's.
8 Cardinal Tetra's
L202 pleco (Peckoltia lineola) - No common name for this fish. My worry is how will it react as i've never kept two pleco's in one tank before. This fish is about 3-4 inches.
A single Gold Stripe Corydoras, been unfortunate with the other's and lost them over the last few weeks.
Cheers, James.