Adding Fish - How Do You Sort Out Bullying ?


Fish Fanatic
Oct 22, 2006
Reaction score
Solihull, UK
Added some green chromis today to my tank.

The false gramma is nipping at them.

Do you risk stinking up the tank and catching the trouble maker to quarantine him ?

Or just hope the "get along" ?
I would only because i know who much damage just a simple nipped fin can cause. fish got nipped ---> bacterial infection----> died -------> Couldn't find it ---> rotted and made the water spike. My other fish got the same infection as him and the spike didnt help. (FW by the way). Anyway to avoid problems i would.
I had a few problems with fish compatibilty at first. I lost a Copperband, the Yellow tang went crazy on him.

Anyway make sure they have plenty of place to hide and run away. IMO the fish establish their teritory and once that is assigned, everything is fine. Make sure to research your fish compatibily first and then add the most agressive last.

To quote the dude from Black Hawk Down "Their can't be peace without victory" so once they establish the packing order, everything is fine.

Have fun!!!
what i found that helps when adding new fish is to turn off the lights when u add them and also try to rearrange the rock work a bit.

this usually helped me. but since a royal gamma is known to be aggressive im not sure if it will help, but try it out.

Best way to do it is to do a minor re-acquascape, turn the lights off, then acclimate the fish and add it. A minor re-arranging of rock will break up the gramma's territory and allow both fish to feel equally uncomfortable in their "new" environment.

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