adding crabs etc


Fish Fanatic
Feb 29, 2004
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at what point can they be added? lfs told me leave atleast 6 wks before adding one.

or can you add them earlier

what food do they need?
The 6 weeks they told you was probably referring to the cycling process. Tell us the specs of your tank and water paramaters and also how long your tank has been set up for.
only 9 days, 3ft tank, has 12 neons, 4 guppies, 2 small catfish, 2 dwarf guramis

used gravel etc from established tank from day 1, have a air bubbler, live plants arriving monday though post
Crabs do not like any by-products of the nitrogen cyclein their water, this includes nitrite, ammonia and nitrate (which fish can handle in larger quantities). For this reason I would say 3-4 months depending on the specific tank, 3-4 months in your case would be the minimum I would recommend.

Please also be aware that crabs need somewhere to leave the water and because they are amazingly good at escaping, this has to be planned very well. This means a tight fitting hood and at least 5 inches of clearance between the ground and the top of the glass with no cables or equipment that can be used as ladders. Think carefully :)

So the tank has been up and running for 9 days. Let me just ask a few more questions...

When did you add the fish?

What kind of filter are you using?

Do you have a test kit for ammonia, nitrite, and pH?

If so, what are your current parameters?

Have you done any water changes since the fish were added?

What kind of crabs do you plan to get?
no water changes going to do one shortly

internal stick on side filter, quite powerful

no test kit its next on my list for the next couple days

water was declorifed and stood for 24hrs with established gravel etc, then fish added

as for crabs i plan to buy i havent a clue, nothing too big
so how do you make sure the crabs can get out of the water?

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