Adding bottomdwellers


Fish Fanatic
Jan 5, 2005
Reaction score
South Coast NSW Australia
Hi all,
I started with this tank the last week of December, and learned the hard way about cycling. Thankfully I did have a tank that learned was cycled, and I was able to speed things up :whistle:
Anyway, this 5g (us gallon that is) tank has been fully cycled for about 3 weeks and the gorgeous little feeshies are happy. I have added some plants for interest and they seem to like that.
I know that I am very close to a full tank (2 female guppies, 2 female platies & 1 male platie) but I was wondering if I could get a catfish or some other kind of bottom dweller. I don't know how big any of them grow, or which sorts prefer to be in groups etc, so your advice is appreciated.
Thanks in advance :D
three otos (otocinclus affinis) would be ok IMHO.
Only a 5 gallon tank, oh you better be careful, because you have added livebearers and they will breed like water bunnies, so you could face baby fry in no time and could result in over stocking, as for bottom dewellers i advise possible only getting one! that can be one cory, or a otto, or in personal case would be a siamese algae eater also known as a flying fox, these are small bottom dwellers because you dont want anything big in that size tank

Thanks everyone for your thoughts,
It will be a few weeks before I make any decisions I think - my quarantine tank kind of turned into my Betta tank :whistle: , so now I need to arrange that first
Kind regards,

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