Adding big fish


New Member
Sep 8, 2004
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Montreal, Canada
Just a small question. I just filled up my new aquarium 2 weeks ago and i bought a couple of small tropical fish, including mollies, neon tetras, and angel fish.. But my tank is large and I want to get some bigger fish that would look nicer. Is it possible to mix them with the fish i have and if yes, wat kind of fish can i get? thx
First how big is it?
second, the angel fish get BIGer than ud think in a nice size tank.
Also, have u cycled ur tank?
You could also maybe get a pair of Discus but not all that many big fish could fit in a 33 gallon tank :-(
A little off topic but you do realise angel fish will eat neons dont you?

When you say large fish how large do you mean? 33 gallons doesnt give much room for stocking large fish and the biggest fish you could sensibly stock would have to be around 8 inches full grown.
Pleco?? Great fish, hard workers and really good for show.
99.9% of non-fish keepers have no clue what they are, they think it's some sort of monster. It's great when a fish that looks sooo cool is quite common and is relatively cheap as well!
Yeah i know 33 gallon is not that big, but big enough to add discus or other similar fish. The fish I have are small and do not really fill up my aquarium. By big I didnt mean 8 inches as you say. None of my fish are longer than an inch, so I'm definitely looking for something 2-4 inches long. I will look at the suggestions you have given me, thx.
well your angel will get much bigger than 1inch if you look after it properly, maybe get another one except that your neons will get eaten
Sorry to say but a Blue Acara will grow to around 8" - and would also love those neons.
I keep Cardinals with my Angels and they're fine.
The thing is that if you raise neons/cardinals with the Angels, they'll grow up together and should be ok.
The problem arises when you add neons to a tank already containing decent sized Angels - they then treat them as 'live food'.
Your fish look small now, but they will get bigger. I wouldn't overstock based on the fact that they're small *now* unless you have a plan for what to do when they get bigger. Either another tank or return to the lfs or give to a friend, it doesn't matter as long as there is a plan in place.

Also, can mollies handle the higher temps that the discus need?.......
Angels and Discus don't mix well for various reasons and I personally wouldn't put Discus in a 33g. The prefer larger groups rather than pairs, high temps (86F+) and they need very good water quality (the smaller the tank the faster things can go wrong).
Also, the plec idea..........stay with small ones - clowns, tigers, butterflys, etc. Stay away from 'Common' plecs as these get upwards of 12" and will not only outgrow your tank but put huge strain on your filtration system.

If I was you I would wait a while, formulate a plan of what you want in the tank then research the fish and there requirements & compatibilty. You will find that the fish you have will grow bigger than you think and as parker313 says, don't overstock now just because the tank looks empty.


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