Adding Another Cory


New Member
Nov 15, 2006
Reaction score
New York
Help Just a question, I have 2 Peppered Corys in my tank already, They are fun to watch, They will sometimes hang out together but most times they are just swimming around on their own. I want to add another 1 or 2 corys, will they ones I have in the tank accept the new ones and maybe form a buddy group or will they bother the new guys? Thanks
Help Just a question, I have 2 Peppered Corys in my tank already, They are fun to watch, They will sometimes hang out together but most times they are just swimming around on their own. I want to add another 1 or 2 corys, will they ones I have in the tank accept the new ones and maybe form a buddy group or will they bother the new guys? Thanks
Hi. It would be best if you added 2 more of what you already have. They should shoal readily and the larger number will actually encourage them to stick together. "Safety in numbers." Adding 2 more of a different specie is really not a good idea. A group of 5 or 6 is recommended for most species. Hope this helps. - Frank

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