Adding A Sump/refuge To 100l Nano


New Member
Oct 20, 2007
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Hi there,
I have been running my 100 litre nano for 4 months now. I have a pair of oscellaris clowns, a large clean-up crew including a sand-sifting starfish, and a relatively large collection of soft corals. I perform a 10% water change every other week and this is enough to maintain a constant nitrate reading of zero and provide trace elements for all of my inverts.

My only cause for concern at this stage is fluctuation in ph during the night time. I have used red sea success buff from day one to try to maintain a ph 0f 8.3. Initially a ph of 8.3 would drop to 8.0 by first light before rising to 8.3 by lights out.

Recently however, I have noticed that the night time ph is dropping as low as 7.6 and I am now dosing with buff 3 times per week rather than once as i did in the first few weeks! In addition to this I am also a little concerned with the behaviour of some of my inverts and I believe that this increasing variation in ph is probably the cause.

I have been led to believe that adding a sump/fuge with an alternate light cycle is the best way to remedy this problem but so far I have been unable to come up with a practical plan.

I am currently using a Eheim external filter. Could this be used a return pump for a sump?

Also if anyone has any practical advice to give on how to add a sump/fuge to a nano system it would be hugely appreciated.

Which system do you have? You could check out Barneys journal in the marine journals section for a good method of plumbing in a sump to an already established nano.
its a converted rekord 96, full details in the members tank section
I have just tested all of my water parameters and found, as expected , that alkalininty has dropped to almost undetectable levels.

However, I expected this to be accompanied by a decrease in calcium, but I tested for calcium and found 500mg/l ??????

Does anyone know how to raise alkalinity whilst buffering up ph and maintaining calcium as it is??

Please help!!!
I have just tested all of my water parameters and found, as expected , that alkalininty has dropped to almost undetectable levels.

However, I expected this to be accompanied by a decrease in calcium, but I tested for calcium and found 500mg/l ??????

Does anyone know how to raise alkalinity whilst buffering up ph and maintaining calcium as it is??

Please help!!!
You can get additives that only affect the KH and not the calcium. The raise in KH shoudl help buffer the pH. I believe the Kent chemical is called "Reef Builder" or some such.
I have just tested all of my water parameters and found, as expected , that alkalininty has dropped to almost undetectable levels.

:blink: :blink: Wow I've never heard of almost undetectable levels of alkalinity. In the short term, you can also use baking soda to raise alkalinity. I'd double check your testing though, make sure you did the test right?

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