Adding a few fish


Fish Crazy
May 8, 2004
Reaction score
Perth, Western Australia
I've only got 8 inches of fish in my 20 gal tank and on sunday im getting some SAE to eat my hair algea. What would be a cool, non-expensive fish to add aswell? :dunno:
I think you need to stop looking at inches of fish rules. You have 2 firemouths ina 20gall which is asking for trouble. Not to mention your serverum.

You do know that the inch per whatever rules are based on adult size, don't you?
CS is more than right.... number one your looking at 2 firemouths with a full grown length of around 6 inches, then you have a severum which I know also get quite large vertically. then you have to deal with the fact that they are cichlids.... that inch per gallon rule might as well be tossed out the window when you deal with cichlids. for MOST!!!! cichlids you need at least 5 gallons of water per inch of ADULT size, but then you are still looking at agressive behavior, an example of this is that a 8 inch jack dempsey that I have takes an entire 55 gallon tank for himself I don't dare put any other fish in there because he will tear them fin from fin. while he would most definatly be comfortable in a 40 gallon tank I decided that a 55 would be better, and allow me to divide part of it off and grow out other fish for future tanks.
ok. I'm selling the firemouths so i dont risk unatha "little oscar problemo" but am keeping the baby GS. I will move him but he is so small(3/4 of an inch) so i think he can stay for a while. I now am going to have a kinda empty tank so i really want a few suggestions? On sunday im going to about 6 different lfs's so i want to know what to get. I like NW's and dwarfs are great too! I was thinking of a couple keyholes or pandas? -_-

make ur tank a planted tank so it doesnt look so bare all the time and put a couple of pot belly mollys in there

P.S were only going to 4 different lfs tomorow, if were luky ;)
Silva_Fishy said:
ok. I'm selling the firemouths so i dont risk unatha "little oscar problemo" but am keeping the baby GS. I will move him but he is so small(3/4 of an inch) so i think he can stay for a while. I now am going to have a kinda empty tank so i really want a few suggestions? On sunday im going to about 6 different lfs's so i want to know what to get. I like NW's and dwarfs are great too! I was thinking of a couple keyholes or pandas? -_-

Why is it you don't want to repeat that oscar event, but you still want to keep a severum in a 20 gallon tank, with other fish like keyholes, which will get as big as your firemouths!

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