Adding A Catfish


New Member
Apr 15, 2006
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Hello, I had been out of fish keeping for about 10 years, and about 4 months ago i set up a 90 gal tank. The tank has 1 Gold Severum (4.5 inches), 4 Bosemani Rainbows (2inches), 1 Pleco ( I think its a sailfin), 1 red tail shark ( 2 inches) and 1 Frontosa (3 inches). Everyone gets along great the Front kinda just avoids the Severum, but no fin biting or anything.

Anyway i was thinking of adding a catfish to this tank, but i am trying to look ahead to when these guys get bigger. I already think there is going to be a problem with overcrowding. I am looking for something thats not to big. These are the ones i was looking at, Pictus, maybe a Synodontis of some kind, a Banjo catfish or some type of Raphael. But i am thinking that in the future overcrowding might be a problem. Any suggestions would be great. Or just a flat out dont add anything else. :)
Pictus is going to be pretty active. I'd go with a synodontis if you overfeed, since mine's like a vacuum. My raphael never comes out, and I don't think most come out during the day.

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