Adding A Bottle To My Tank


Fish Fanatic
Sep 9, 2007
Reaction score
chester, uk
The other day i went to south manchester aquatics in stockport (which is a fantastic store with loads of different fish) and i saw that they had clear glass bottles in some of the tanks and i thought what a good idea! The bottles looked really good and little fish could swim inside and hide if they wanted to get away from big fish!

Anyway ive bought an old style glass bottle from ebay, does anyone know of a reason why this would be a bad idea? I know the tank is made of glass but what about old glass?

remove the price tags and bar-codes :shout: :rofl: :drink:
i think ALL glass jars should be safe in terms of chemicals/disease is consirned, unless you do not wash them properly or remove it's content hehe.
I used to use glass bottles in my Guppy tanks - the babies liked to go in there. Grow some moss on them if possible, looks pretty cool.
I would be sure to rinse it thourghly because you never know what was it in before you. It should be ok, I've even seen old glass coke bottles in reef tanks in my lfs.
thanks for your help, im awaiting its delivery and ill try to get a photo on if i can.
Old glass containers of all sorts are just KEWL! Would probably make a nice addition positioned just right. Let some algae grow/stay on it, maybe put some gravel in there and bury it to that level to make it look buried halfway, etc. Could be real nice.

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