Addiction grows....need more tanks


Fish Fanatic
Aug 16, 2003
Reaction score
Devon, UK
I plan to get another tank in the next few months and need some suggestions on grouping.

I curently have together
1 betta
2 mollies
2 flame tetras
4 phantom tetras
8 neon tetras

I have a 30 gallon and am getting a 6.5 gallon

but what do I put where?

seperate the mollies to have a little salt?
separate the betta so I can add angels?
If I do move the betta I will put the neons with him, they are all used to eachother and get on fine or get rid of them I dont want them in the 30 litre with the angels.......:no:

I will add more flame and phantom tetra maybe to get a shoal of 6 of each, though they mix well together and shoal.

I would also love a shoal of 6-8 pentazona barbs

any suggestions gratefully received
thanks :)
While am i not sure of the exact sizes of your tetras (they seem to have different names for tetras where ever you go) i should warn you that fish up to 1 1/2" long will be considered food by the angels,neons are a staple diet for wild angels :eek:
Also barbs should never be kept with angels,almost all of the smaller barbs are fin nippers and will make life hell for angels.
Bettas should not be kept with tetras, although female bettas have an easier time of it than males. Often the tetras shred the fins of the poor betta!

I'd have the 6.5 gal as a dedicated betta tank. For tankmates you could get a school of something small like cherry barbs (although they don't strictly "school" but prefer to be in small groups) or maybe some dwarf corys (not sure how big they grow, however). My betta's with some black neon tetras, but I hesitate to recommend that in case other black neons aren't quite so harmless.

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