Addicted...with pictures


Fish Fanatic
Jan 4, 2005
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I went to the pet store yesterday to get some meds for my guppies and they have all these new bettas in, VT, delta tails and double tails and most were metallic.

So i walked away then missed my bus so i came back in and bought two.

AHHH i'm so addicted to watching these little guys.

I'll post pics soon but one is a green/bronze metallic delta and the other guy is a red/black and blue metallic. :wub:
When i finish my cell bio final today i'll post them :p
Okay my piccy's i dont have names for them yet so suggestions would be nice :p




he's so pretty and shiney
He's uber friendly too and anything i put near his tank he has to go over and investigate.




He's very anti-social and not happy about living in a round jar (he jumped clear out yesterday on to my room mate who was sitting on my bed) :rofl: :rofl:
he's soo pretty though, he's bronze for sure :wub:
OOoh my they're very lovely!
I love their colors!!

I would name them something like Mercury and Copper.

Very nice! ;)
The red guy is eating but the metallic is still being like a spoiled brat, i've tried to feed him several kinda of betta foods and blood worms, he just seems to be saying nope. :(

i think i may go out and get a square container, they're in two round vases at the moment, which my previous bettas have been okay in, but my metallic is having nothing to do with it, spoiled fishy :dunno:

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