Addicted to fish!


Mar 7, 2004
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Cardiff, Wales
I've barely got my 1st tank sorted....and I'm already saving for another!

Why oh why did I have to get addicted to fish?
ahhhh mts- multiple tank syndrome... the only cure for this strange ilnness is having more tanks... the bigger and better they are the more u want....

feed that illness!!!!! :lol:
I totally understand. I have NO room in my flat without turning it into a petshop but I know I'd like a cold saltwater and a discus tank one day!!

Not to mention the fish I have that are going to grow, then I'll NEED another tank!! :rolleyes:
HAHAHAHAHAHa Yeah I am saving to get my big 125 gal + so I can have an African Lungfish 1 fish in a huge tank.

Rick B)
:fish: AHHH, I have been suffering from this condition for many years now, I'm sorry to tell you there is no known cure. All you can do is alleviate the symptoms by moving into bigger and yet bigger housing to store the many more tanks you will just HAVE to buy :rofl:
well I'm actually planning to set up my own pet shop (been doing business planning for months on this) so hopefully in a few years i'll have lots and lots of fish to look after ^_^ sure I'll have to sell them but they'd be mine for a week or two :D
Ah - welcome to the club. Most of us here suffer the same disease, and as you've already been told, there is no cure :D We all want bigger bigger and bigger tanks. I also have the same problem - I live in a small appartment and haven't got anymore room for another one. Maybe one day.......
If you look at my signature you can see the start that I already have on a nice collection of aquariums. I am hoping to get another tank for my birthday next month (*hint-hint* if my girlfriend is reading this :p ). I don't think there is anything wrong with having multiple fish tanks as long as the collection doesn't become overwhelming.

well I'm actually planning to set up my own pet shop (been doing business planning for months on this) so hopefully in a few years i'll have lots and lots of fish to look after sure I'll have to sell them but they'd be mine for a week or two

I have actually been thinking about it myself. I want to start a pet store that shows a lot of care towards the animals. I wouldn't sell twenty fish to a person with a 2 gallon tank like a lot of stores do. I think educating the customers would make them smarter pet owners and more loyal customers because they would know that they weren't get ripped off. I just have no idea how to begin my planning. Any suggestions that you have come up with to make it more of a plan and less of a dream?
if you go to your local bank they'll give you lots of information on how to set up your business. A lot of them have CD roms you can do which are really really helpful and help you sort out what you actually need. Try talking to people who have already done it - a lot of time they're willing to give you advice on planning and setting up. Just from doing those two things I've managed to create a 60 page full business plan which covers everything - location, legislation I need to follow, a 3 year business plan (showing my predicted profits, losses etc), ways I can get financial help.

The best thing is to start small if you want to do it - only plan on selling a small variety the first year, then plan to expand gradually over the first 5 years or so (it sounds like a long time but if you do it right it'll be worth it).

One thing to remember with the pet business is that people are ALWAYS having suprise births - let people know you'll take the young at a certain age and there'll be no need to get everything from breeders ;).

If you want to talk to me about anything specific you can email me :)
I've been hooked on this hobby for about 35 years now,sometimes living in small places where I was lucky to have room for 1 tank. Our last house I had 2 tanks in the living room,1 in master bedroom, 1 in kids bedroom, 1 in kitchen.....CROWDED!!!! My wife and I just purchased our first home 2 years ago, one of the stipulations was that we would get a place with a fishroom(her idea) and the tanks would stay IN THERE(again, her idea). Bless her heart, she has some of the best you can see from my sig, I am well on my way to being out of control, and loving every minute of it(thank you sweetie). My kids have tried to talk me into starting my own shop, but I worry that that would take some of the enjoyment out of the hobby for me( I already work retail). As it is, I'm happy keeping and breeding the fish that catch my eye, and trading the resulting babies to the lfs in exchange for supplies and/or yet more fish.
We have fish fever @ my house. My husband wanted a dog, and I told him to wait until we moved into a house with a yard. Dismayed, he turned to a friend who wanted to sell his tank to us, and not even 12 months later, we have 3 tanks. Thank god we are moving into our house this summer, because we are running out of room. Every tank has laser lights and bubble displays. We have so many power strips its insane. We live in a building with old wiring so I have to turn off everything in the apt. except for the filters and heaters just to vacuum. Fire hazzard? That was my leg to stand on until the manager checked it out and said it was within limits. I just have to be careful not to blow a fuse blowdrying my hair. Regrets.....NO WAY!!!

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