So I added a occ. clown to my fish tank and it was acting strange. I did some research and clowns always act strange apparently. He looked like he was having a hard time swimming in the current. Apparently clowns like to swim against the current for some reason. He ate well and didn't lose any coloration. Yesterday morning I noticed he had a white patch on his side. I did a quick search for the usual things that people suggest. Ich, white spot, brooklyella(sp?) and none of them looked quite like it. I had to go to work and was gonna see if he was ok when I got home. Well I found him under a hermit crab about half eaten. Everything tested fine except slight nitrates. I think it was either sick before I put it in or it was stung by my only coral. It truly is a huge setback. My expensive fish I've ever bought and it only lived about 5 days.
So right now I'm wondering if I even want another clownfish. It cost me $36 for a half inch fish. The royal gramma, the next on my list was almost half that.
So right now I'm wondering if I even want another clownfish. It cost me $36 for a half inch fish. The royal gramma, the next on my list was almost half that.