Added My First Fish


Sep 15, 2007
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Waukesha WI
So I added a occ. clown to my fish tank and it was acting strange. I did some research and clowns always act strange apparently. He looked like he was having a hard time swimming in the current. Apparently clowns like to swim against the current for some reason. He ate well and didn't lose any coloration. Yesterday morning I noticed he had a white patch on his side. I did a quick search for the usual things that people suggest. Ich, white spot, brooklyella(sp?) and none of them looked quite like it. I had to go to work and was gonna see if he was ok when I got home. Well I found him under a hermit crab about half eaten. Everything tested fine except slight nitrates. I think it was either sick before I put it in or it was stung by my only coral. It truly is a huge setback. My expensive fish I've ever bought and it only lived about 5 days.

So right now I'm wondering if I even want another clownfish. It cost me $36 for a half inch fish. The royal gramma, the next on my list was almost half that.
Thts expensive for a oc clown!! Not sure what's happened but I've found clowns and damsels to withstand poor health or water very well.
Take him back the store with a sample of your water and they should exchange!
That isn't much more tho as thats american dollars right? isnt it round half ish the exchange?

Thats so sad that you lost him, I would definately talk to your lfs as they might have an idea of what happened if your tank is all ok they might offer something in return!
my first two questions would be:
what was the difference in sg between your lfs and your tank?
How long did you acclimatise for?
That lfs as well as most around here has a no marine return policy. I'm not sure what thier sg was, honestly, I have all of my inverts from the same place and they are all doing fine. I did the bag float for half an hour and the drip for an hour. He was looking really impatient to get out of the bag so I let him put him in and he seemed fine. And also 30 pounds is roughly 48 dollars. I'm hesitant to go back to that lfs. There doesnt seem to be one that is very good around here. The other one I go to I've seen lots of dead turbos lying on their backs. There was a really nice one in my town but it was relocated then went out of business.
you should be fine, just prohaps acclimitise a little bit more.
i did mine for 3 hours as they were in 1.028 and mine is 1.024 they are fine
I could get most of my fish much cheaper if I ordered them from liveaquaria they ship from my state. Only problem would be I would have to order more than just one at a time or the overnight shipping would be like 10 dollars more than at the store.

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