Add Some Clams Or No?


Fish Fanatic
Nov 27, 2005
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Good Morning, Newbie here with a 29 gal fishless cycling tank. I am curious about some Asian Golden clams I saw today at my LFS. The kids loved them but I don't know much about them and was wondering what your opinions were on adding a couple to our tank later on? I didn't know if they are non desirables like most snails.......We are going to get non-aggressive fish. Thanks for the opinions on this!!
Me again......after thinking about my post, I certainly don't want to offent the snail lovers here! I like snails too and would like to have maybe one apple but I just don't want 1000 baby clams like I would baby snails. Do Apples have babies like that too? Will an Apple snail peacefully coexist with clams and maybe a couple of shrimp? What should I choose?
Hi Deanna Cronan :)

From what I understand, clams don't do much. An apple snail would be more active and interesting, and so would the shrimp.

Apple snails reproduce in big clumps of eggs which are laid above the waterline. If this happens, it's easy to get rid of them before they hatch. The trouble with some of the "pest" snails is that they lay little clusters of eggs in gelatinous blobs all over the tank, and hatch before you can find them and remove them. :D

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