Add Rummy Noses?


Spinning around
Oct 25, 2003
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I would like to add 8 Rummy Nose Tetras and two Plecos to my second 50g in my sig. When they arrive(on order) I will move the six golden barbs and one kissing gourami to another tank.

Is this ok?

US I think and hopefully a King Tiger and Golden Nugget.
I have finalized the order now for the Plecos and Tetras it is an L177 the large spotted Golden Nugget, the different Golden Nuggets are not seperated by size but spot size, can anyone answer my original question.
I wasn't getting angry and I don't think you did answer my original question and I am just asking to check, I do know what I am doing mate, but I always like to double check to make sure. I don't mind sharing my new fish etc I was just asking if anyone chould confirm my original question.

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