Add Rainbow Or What Fish


New Member
Sep 24, 2006
Reaction score
Lindstrom, MN
First off I would like the fish to school or atleast group at times. I was thinking of adding 6+ Rainbow fish, or someother type of fish to fill some of the space.

My stock list:
2 Kribs [1m. 1f]
4 Pearls [1m, 3f]
5 oto cats
9-12 Kuhli loaches
6 platys [2m, 4f]

The tank is a 55gallon, heavily planted, floating and planted. With CO2 and eco-complete. I use sponge filters
and have had no problems.

Now what type of Rainbow do you think would be a good addition to the tank. Or what other type of dither/school fish do you suggest.
Pearls, meaning Pearl Gourami?

If so then i wouldnt have Rainbow fish at all with them, Boesman Rainbows can be nippy and would shred a slow Gourami. Mine tended to miss a feeding time and hit the Betta so he was moved, i cant imagine the damage they would do to the flowing fins of a Peearl Gourami.
Yes there Pearl Gourami, so Rainbow are out. I was thinking Cherry Barbs por Glowlites or both but I really don't like barbs for there aggression and nipping. Has anyone had probles with Cherry barbs and nipping.

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