Active Tetra


Fish Fanatic
Oct 25, 2006
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Of all the tetras, which are active schoolers (chasing each other around the tank) but not aggressive like the serpae and silvertip.
I've heard rummy nose tetras are active shoalers.

From first hand experience i have found black neon tetras to be active shoalers. The larger the group the more active the fish are.

Not a tetra, but Harlequin Rasboras are active shoalers as well :)
My Black Phantom Tetras are pretty active, and not aggressive at all. They're very pretty.
IME black neons seem to school and move around the tank when they are in a tank with a lower PH (6.4-6.0) with soft water. and in larger number.s mind did not become active or schoolers till i made their numbers equal 12. :blink:
Of all the tetras, which are active schoolers (chasing each other around the tank) but not aggressive like the serpae and silvertip.

Rummynose or Firehead tetras.
Hemigrammus rhodostomus or Hemigrammus bleheri

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