Active Catfish


Fish Connoisseur
Jan 6, 2009
Reaction score
Norfolk, England
dose any one know of a catfish that stays small not agressive to lil fish like neon tetra and is active in the day
As an owner of 3 banjo cats, I highly recommend them. I see them all the time and they are among the most peaceful fish I have owned. On the other hand, they are not exactly active during the day. They do most of their foraging at night.
Hi kizno1 :)

A school of corydoras is a nice addition to any peaceful community tank. While they sometimes rest on the bottom, they are likely to be active at any time during the day. They come in a variety of colors and patterns and you will find ones that are suitable to warm as well as cooler water.

If you can get them (they are available from a few LFS in the UK at the moment), get some Entomocorus gameroi - very different from your average catfish in that they are active in open water at the middle level rather than the substrate during the day.
Also, glass catfish Kryptopterus minor would be another choice - again, active in daylight and more of a midwater swimmer.
i ended up getting a Lace Synodontis / Synodontis Nigrita as the man where i got them from said he has one and there active and the 1 i got is always out in the day but thanx anyway

I have four of these hoplo catfish very peaceful and there active during the day.
congrats on the synodontis! i was going to mention them. mine is out at all hours and looks amazing when hovering above the sand "feeling" for food. they grow very fast...but be careful once big enough he will eat your neons.

mine was about 3 inches and in my 20 gallon with white cloud minnows. one morning i woke up and they were all bunched up in the corner. i dont know if any where missing because i had too many to count..but surely he was eating them
i have a pair of ver nice synondontis multipunctus(cuckoo catfish) very active during the day and only slightly agressive to eachother

ps their going to be in a group im just quarantining a couple more
Hoplo FTW!! Mine are very active and so friendly and inquisitive they will even come and rest on my hand when it's in the tank, lovely fish.

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