Activated carbon


New Member
Mar 7, 2005
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I've read alot of talk about activated carbon being so good that it doesnt last long enough, so that its only effective for a few days (and i dont plan to change it that often)

So would mechanical (with filter floss) and biological filtration (with bioballs) medias
be enough for the average 55G tank (which i'mplanning to get soon)?

I was planning on getting a 55G from walmart, and adding an Aquaclear 500 to the cheap-looking wallmart (Aqua Tec?) filter that comes with the kit.

Maybe do bioballs (or other bio-media) in walmart filter and mechanical media (and carbon if i really need to?) in the Aquaclear....

Wat do you think?
Don't need carbon it keeps your tank clearer and I always use it but most people don't, it needs to be changed every three weeks
And sponges and filter floss will be fine for the hobs but you could also try som ceramic biomedia instead of the bioballs they might work better being heavier
Hi...I agree with vantage. Buy a carbon insert and keep it in your aquarium stand for emergency purposes. I think carbon as a standard in the filter will go the way of the dinosaur like undergravel filters. SH
It does "de-activate" very quickly, and frankly there are a lot better media for bacterial colonisation then dead carbon.
So for a typical tank, filter floss and some biomeida (like Hagen tube or whatever) could be standard filter media. Plus some peat and/or carbon and/or ammonia absorber media as a backup?

Rinse the filter floss (or whatever mechanical media) from time to time with water change water, rinse part of bio-media also from time to time?

What i wanna be able to do is buy some media in bulk and not change it too often.
All you will need is the aquaclear 500. Use the foam block and add bio-max or a similiar ceramic cylinder for bio filter. I have also had great results using lava rock for this purpose in my 500's.
Another thing is I float filstar biochem stars in the intake chambers of these filters @ 10 will fit loosely. GREAT FILTER anything you can stuff in a canister can be used in an aquaclear!!!

I do not use carbon in my planted 55 which has one AC-500 set at its lowest flow setting. I find its not needed with live plants. I do however find it useful in my 100 gallon cichlid tank I have two AC-500's running full flow and carbon in one of these. I have tried with out the carb for a long period and have found using the carbon seems to polish the water a little better.

You try both ways see what you think? It doesn't hurt anything ,even adds great area for bacteria to live! Thats the best way, try and see for yourself.

does the ACTIVE CARBON any effect's of PH value?

and how can it effect?

i have a discus on my tank, dreftwood.

my water is darkness from the DREFTWOOD..

and ACTIVE CARBON in only the safe way to clear the water..

the PH is 7.5, and i wish to reduce at 6.5

can ACTIVE CARBON reduce PH?

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