Activated Carbon


Apr 15, 2007
Reaction score
South coast uk
On one of my previous posts I have explained i am having trouble with green xenia and polyps which i brought 3 days ago, the polyp came out the day i put it in the tank and hasnt really come out since which is about 2 days ago now, and the xenia hasnt really come out at all, I ahve added some new era activated carbon in case there is something in the water that these guys dont like but haw effective is this stuff?

also im testing
KH 12/13
PH 8
ALK normal
Calcium 400 ish (test is not that specific sera kit)
SG 1.024/5
Nitrite 0-0.05
Amonia 0

am using 2x t5 marine white (arcadia)
2 x marine t8 blue

all my other corals are doing fine which are
a finger coral 2 x pussey coral 1 x cauliflower coral, 2 feather dusters 1 x african bush coral

so should i be testing for anything else or is it just a case of waiting for these 2 new corals to wake up and do thier stuff?
All of your other corals secrete allelopathic toxins but I can't imagine these stressing a similarly noxious xenia. Activated carbon will remove these toxins, thus lessening or preventing any stress on corals that was cause by allelopaths, but there is some debate as to how long carbon remains effective, some people saying less than a few days, others saying more than two weeks.
KH 12/13
PH 8
ALK normal

:blink: :unsure: :huh:

What? Alk = KH and 12/13 is higher than normal...

Armed with that info, if one test is telling you your alk is normal and the other is telling you it's high, I'd have an LFS test it. Furthermore, I'd double-check your salinity/sg against an LFS standard as well.
I use carbon religiously. No negative efects and im mixing LPS, Softies and have done SPS.

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