acquired a 39 gallon...what to stock it with?


New Member
Mar 6, 2004
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Hey everyone i just got a 39 (US) gallon tank from a friend of mine. Any ideas on what to stock it with? Im open to all suggestions. I would love to put a school of neons in, so something compatible with them.
:flex: ♀ Definitely some glowlight tetras. But in a tank that size, since neons and
glowlights are small fish, I would also have some larger peaceful fish as
a contrast. My choice would be platies. :flex:
Since youwant a large school of neons If I were to set it up I would do a tetra tank, with glowlights, neons, red eyes, bleeding hearts, and as suggested maybe some platy's to bring some more color.
i was thinking about doing los of tetras...but i would like to start getting biggers fish. so what goes peaceful with neons and look nice, but are alittle bigger.
some bleeding heart tetras would be nice. get pretty big (for tetras) or some congo tetras.

whats your water like?
in a tank that size...i would probably put in some dwarf/honey gouramis :)

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