Achilles Is Here!


Fish Fanatic
Sep 23, 2005
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Achlles the *specail needs* male has arrived and is So very adorable. I had some trouble with the stupid mail man who must've showed the minute I stepped out of the house to run to a local store and didn't get him until 3:00 today, but he looks fien and I'm acclimating him now but I'm going to do it very slowly for him. I'm going to keep him in a breeder net temporarily until I can get hold of better accomdations for him.
Man oh man does he have an atitude that outweighs his tiny size. He is already flaring at the girls (3 times his size). I hope they don't stess him out too much, they are very curious. He is just getting his color back. I really can't get good pix of him but here are my attempts.
Right before I put him in (note: I've found using my hand instead of a net works much better with betta)


Checking out the biggest female.


Another shot to show size difference w/ different female.


More curious females
Btw, Synirr, how much did you feed him before. I fed him 1 bloodworm for now, but I'm thinkign he doesn't need to eat much. :D
I just love this little guy :wub: :wub: :cool:
How come he's living in a breeder net?
It's just for the time being until I can find somthing better that I like. I want to get to a certain petstore but haven't had the time just yet.
BTW...He/she is very nice... Maybe he/she could go out with my fishy...


Hes been looking for one for a while now... :D
I'm so glad he made it ok, it looks like he's settling in well ^_^
He's a lot of personality wrapped in a small body, I hope you enjoy him. I use Hikari brand bloodworms which are smaller than some brands, but I feed around 5-6 bloodworms per fish. I tend to "overfeed" since they're still growing. As soon as I see their little tummies bulge a bit I know they're full :)
Aw, congrats on your wittle "special" boy. (my cat is "special needs" but everyone just calls him 'tarded :( )

I expect more piccies later!!

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