first of - - tank!
one acf needs a 10 gallon tank, filtered, with a lid.
ACFs are voracious fish eaters, so no fish tank mates are recommended. also, you cannot keep them with the smaller african dwarf frogs, because they will eat them.
they are purely aquatic, meaning they never leave the water. no land mass is needed...even if you provide one they will not use it.
they need constant access to fresh air...they breath oxygen just like us, they do not get it from the water like a fish.
food - -
never ever ever feed your acf a feeder goldfish or rosie red minnow. both of these fish block the frogs natural ability to absorb the b-enzyme.
frozen bloodworms, brine shrimp, reptomin pellets (your best bet), and once they get larger earth worms. you can risk feeding them feeder guppies...but unless you raise your own, you risk introducing disease into your tank everytime you feed the frogs.
temperature should be a constant mid 70* F.
ACF live 15+ years. make sure you are committed to caring for this creature through out its lifespan.
males grow to about 4 inches in body (legs not included)...females grow to about 6 inches in body (legs not included).
around 6-8 months, males develop nuptial pads, or "dirty hands" - - the forearms and hands blacken. this is for them to use during mating with a female.
those are the basics. next time, it would be best to research BEFORE buying a living creature!
ACFs are a BIG responsibility!!! if you don't think you are up to it, return him and buy a few of the smaller african DWARF frogs - - these live to about 5 years and grow to a max of 1.5 - 2 inches and can be kept with fish
how to spot the difference between ADF and ACF - -
ACF - - webbing just on the hindfeet, front hands have "fingers" with no webbing. eyes perched on top of the head. albino = automatically ACF. ADF NEVER come in albino.
ADF - - webbing between the toes on all four feet. eyes flush against the side of the face.