Acf Tank.


Fish Fanatic
Nov 5, 2006
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Tunkhannock, Pennsylvania(Northeast)
I just bought some Malaysian Driftwood for my ACF tank, and I read that some driftwoods would mess with the ph , is this one of those thatll do that? I want to wrap some Java Moss around the driftwood to make the barebottom tank look better, and stuff some anubias in the cracks of the driftwood.Are these plants hardy enough to be in with the frogs?And would any of these harm the frogs in any way, I only ask because I did have gravel, and sadly lost a frog, after it eating the gravel, which is why I went barebottom.

Does anyone have pictures of a planted tank with frogs?
Can't really help with the plants, I know african clawed frogs are pretty resiliant when it comes to the PH of a tank so you should be fine with it raising a bit... Also might I recommend sand as a substrate? My little albino ACF seems to be doing quite well on it.
Yeah I did use sand....for like 2 weeks, Didnt like it much because it was harder to clean, leaving my tank look foggy.And than came the worms, So I took it all out.

And from what I read about driftwood, the tannish stuff that leaches from the wood, can lower Ph, not raise it. :crazy: But I dont know, I havent really had to much time to read up on about it, Working 12 hour shifts sucks.
If your wood is leeching tannins and making the water brown then it will lower the PH.I wouldnt worry too much about it though as these frogs are very adaptable.I would keep and eye on it so it doesnt drop too low.Putting some crushed coral in the filter will help to bring it back up, or even bicarb of soda if need be.
is that baking soda?? Ive read a few articles about that to raise ph. As far as the driftwood I been soaking it in a bucket of water, and changing it daily, the instructions said to do it for 2-3 weeks till the water is clear. Might try boiling it in a few days when I have more time.So the drift wood will only lower the ph when its leeching tannins ? and than once its done, it wont anymore?
Bogwood pretty much never stops lowering the pH to some extent, I have some that's been in a tank for over 5 years and it's still leeching some tannins.

Also, anything organic like bogwood that is very very slowly decomposing will lower the pH a little :good: .
Feed floating food and feed often and you shouldn't have problems with an ACF eating gravel. They don't just consume it for fun, its probably because it lunged at a pellet that sunk and managed to get some rock as well..

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