Acclimtising Live Rock.


Fish Crazy
Aug 18, 2006
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wiltshire england
well as some of you may be aware i am in the process of sitting up my first marine tank.
i was readin one of my books and it says to acclimtise your live rock. but when you mail order it, it tends to come wrapped in plastic with hardly any water. so you must have to place it in your tank otherwise the bacteria and organism will die.
You dont really need to

Just get it in the water as soon as it arrives
if your in the process of setting up your tank i would read up on some of the pinned topics on setting up but to answer your question if your setting up from start you can put your rock straight in the tank and let it cycle but if your adding LR to a already set up tank you need to cure the rock in a holding tank before adding to your main tank
As the Man of Steel says dont worry about acclimitising LR

Unless as maidenfan say - if you have stock in your tank that is a different story

Just add it straight from the packing & remember to turn on your Powerheads & Skimmer

& dont think you are mad if you find yourselve staring at a lump of LR for an hour - we've all done it

Well I have :blush: :lol:
nothin wrong with staring at the rock becuse there are things to watch on the rock. plus it helps you to imagine how class your tank will be when finished

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