

I used to be indecisive but now I'm not so sure!
Apr 24, 2005
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near Hockley, Essex UK
Just got a pm from Adam (AdAndrews) and we were talking about sg and acclimatisation etc. Got me thinking (no jokes please :blush: )

How do you acclimatise your fish/corals/inverts

Do you test the SG first and then work out how long they need to be acclimatised?

Do you acclimatise everything for the same time?

Do you test for anything when the livestock comes in the bag?

How many deaths have you had following acclimatisation (within 48 hours)

Seffie x
I know the water stats from my work, where I get most of my livestock, and its pretty much the same as mine so the acclimation of corals and inverts from there is pretty quick. The stats for fish is different, so I tend to acclimate fish longer. If I order from online, I drip acclimate for at least 2 hours regardless of what it is.

I have never lost anything because of acclimation (that I know of).
I've dripped all my fish and corals in, fish because the tanks they came from may or may not of been treated with copper and corals because I thought it was best to.

Inverts I tend to float 'n' fill as my partner calls it, this said my shrimps had a whole 4 minutes in the bag before they escaped onto the main tank. They are fine by the way.
I tried the drip method and can't stand it. I found that maintaining temperature was not easy to do. I like to slowly replace the water in the bag to match the tank. Trust me. There are some who do it without all this and claim that their species do fine. I would err on being cautios.

The more sensitive the species, whether it be coral, invert or fish, the more care you should take IMO.

In general, LFS' keep their s.g. lower to help reduce disease. I would test your s.g. between your tank and the water the specimen comes in. If your specimen is in 1.018 and your tank is at 1.026 you want to be sure that you acclimate carefully. Temperature, s.g. and pH are important. Try to avoid huge swings in either.


ADD: I've never lost a coral with the float method...nor a fish or invert. SH

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